What is HTML?

When you look at a web page, you might wonder how it is made. To display a web page, your Web browser reads and interprets a special set of instructions. These instructions are written primarily in two languages: HTML and CSS. So what is HTML?

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HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML is a formal Recommendation by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and is generally adhered to by the major browsers, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, …, which also provide some additional non-standard codes. The current version of HTML is HTML 5.

Web pages display content and have an underlying structure defined by HTML. The content can include text, images, links, or even audio and video. Most HTML elements are written using opening <element> and closing </element> tags that tell the browser what type of content to display.The tags are written in a specific order to define the structure of the page.

The follow examples shows some the most common HTML5 structural elements.




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